Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Message From Our Glorious Leader

From Suz:

The auction closes tomorrow night and I finally updated The Family Business. It didn't generate any new followers for Team Slayerward yet, so I'm offering a bonus outtake if we reach 20 bidding members or $500 (whichever comes first) before midnight tomorrow. Come on - let's slay childhood cancer!

So come on people! Let's do this thing. It's not too late to bid. Every little bit helps. For just $5 you can be a part of a fantastic cause. Believe me, it feels really good. There's a little linky link over there on your right...all you have to do is click, give us your name and the amount you want to pledge, and we'll do the rest. Assuming we figure out how and TK doesn't get too drunk tomorrow night to place the bid. ;) haha Kidding. I kid.

Thanks so much for all the support. #TeamSlayerward really is going to help kick childhood cancer in the nads. Woot!

Pledge. You know he'd want you too. How can you resist that smile?